Monday, September 29, 2008

Image is Everything?...

It was brought to my attention (thank you EJ) that there have been ads with content that are entirely in contradiction to what I am here to encourage and support. I’ve just bumbled my way through Adsense to filter out particular URLs. If anyone knows of a more effective way to just filter out topics rather than specific websites let me know and I’m on it.

Today has a Y2Kish feeling about it…with all of the economic unrest and the potential ramifications of the federal bailout not being approved. That last sentence is about as politically savvy on this topic as I get and I owe it to my husband who is following the scrolling “up-to-date” news. I have heard from some sources that “life will go on as normal, nothing to worry about” and from other sources “banks will close and everyone will make a run on gas stations and grocery stores.” We are being cautioned to get relatively self-sufficient so if those times do come we will be prepared. Get out the duct tape and empty milk jugs filled with (cloudy) water!

In all seriousness I do grieve for our country and the rampant gluttony I see in spending and resulting accrued debt; at the individual and federal level. I think it is a symptom of our cultural mindset...image is everything. I know there is more to the economic crisis…any pundit will tell you that…but from my little corner of the world this is what I can see and understand clearly.

The old adage applies here, “keeping up with the Jones’ “….over used but still very true. We are constantly sneaking glances around us to make sure we can at least blend in with the crowd if not be a stand-out. Over-spending is one of the primary tools by which we keep our image in place. We spend vast amounts of money on our appearance whether that is cosmetics, gym membership, exercise equipment, clothing, salon and spa services or cosmetic surgeries. And to accompany our well attended physical appearance we have a car we can’t afford and a mortgage that is beyond our means. Then there are the “things” we choose to participate in that drain our resources….vacations, eating out and entertainment of all sorts; just to name a few. I believe for the most part we are well meaning and attempt to stay within our budgets but given the choice of falling behind socially in terms of our image or putting something on our credit card…which do you think most people would choose?

My point…we are so concerned about how we look on the outside that we care very little about the means that are required to maintain that image. We verbalize that we care but our actions reveal the true condition of our hearts. We will engage in dangerous practices just to drop a pound or two, we will spend money we don’t have on that important dress for that special occasion and we will obligate ourselves to a car payment that strains if not over-reaches our budget. Why do we do these things?

I am not such a naysayer that I believe everyone has fallen into this image trap. I know that there are those out there who purposefully askew engaging in this useless endeavor and there are those out there that only dabble in it for a moment or two before self-correcting. However, I would say that the majority of us are far too invested in our image. How do we know when we are too invested? When our love of image and the actions we’ll take to maintain it surpasses our concerns for our own (and other’s) physical, emotional, spiritual and fiscal health. To find the answer to this don’t just rely on your thoughts about the topic but look at your actions over the past year or so…retrospectively and collectively our actions rarely lie.

Should we delegate any attention to our image? The answer…"no, not really.” I think our image is a natural outcome of who we are. It’s a lot like our reflection in the mirror…it doesn’t have to be manipulated or worked at….it just is. That is unless we want our reflection in the mirror to reflect something other than reality…then things become tricky, expensive and time consuming. If we allow our image to represent who we really are then it seems like it will be effortlessly maintained. Maybe we should be putting our efforts toward becoming more content with ourselves rather than investing so much in becoming someone or something we are not.

Your assignment (besides stock piling food, stashing some cash at home and filling your gas tank to the brim) is to ask yourself…If I am just “me”…am I at peace with the image I portray? If not, why not?

All for now…

1 comment:

Emily Jolie said...

Maybe we should be putting our efforts toward becoming more content with ourselves rather than investing so much in becoming someone or something we are not.


This reminded me of an entry I posted back in August that you might appreciate:

I personally think there is a lot of fear-mongering going on in this country right now. It's a good way to keep people 'small' and disempowered. I say we take back our power and don't buy into the fear! We have the power to live the lives we want to live, no matter what the economical prognosis. It's the Law of Attraction. If we buy into the gloom and doom, that's exactly what we'll attract. If we keep believing that we can all prosper and thrive and create a beautiful world for ourselves and those around us... then we can do it! :)

By the way, like you, my source of political information is my husband. I am not that good at keeping up with the news. Partly because I find it too depressing and I'd rather keep my mind on more positive things. :)

As to the google adsense, unfortunately, I can't give you much advice there. It seems you've managed to get rid of the diet ads, but now they are showing anti-cellulite ads!!

with care,
